Contstantine Conclave No. 261 Enthronement Ceremony
held at Pemberton Masonic Hall
28th October 2016 was the date of the Constantine Conclave Enthronement.
Ken Shaw congratulates the MPS with Ill Kt Ian Scott,
Enthroning Sovereign and new EV Darren Brown looking on
Late changes resulting from the ubnavailablity of a W. Kt. due to health problems saw Ill Kt. Stan Povall Enthroned as MPS and Darren Brown Installaed as Eusebius in two Short, but very Sweet Ceremonies.
P Kts David Hickman MPS of St Helena Conclave and Stewart Blagg MPS
of Leonard Heelley Conclave, add their congratulations.
The Past Intendant General, R. Ill. Kt, KEnneth Wilson Shaw KCC, was on hand to witness the ceremony and to congratulate Stan and Darren in attaining their offices.
Other Officers of the Lodge are delighted to
add their best wishes to Stan and Darren.
As always, the meeting concluded with a delightful and animated festive board which was enjoyed by all the WKts present.
Article and Photographs by Ray Pye.